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The rise and fall of Rafael Palmeiro


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All Palmeiro needs is for Tejada to admit to possessing B12 and stanozolol and then giving him a possibly tainted vial of B12 and boom, a lot of things change for him, especially with the Veteran's Committee and probably coaching opportunities.

This article is great, but it really makes me feel like Palmeiro is still running from the truth.

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Raffy broke my heart. He cheated, got caught, and has wanted to be the victim for years. Life is tough.

Sure he cheated, along with probably most MLBers. And he did something that, for most of his career, the punishment was no punishment at all. Up until Bonds threatened Aaron's record MLB more-or-less said "PEDs? What PEDs? It's all good, just stuff you get at GNC."

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Sure he cheated, along with probably most MLBers. And he did something that, for most of his career, the punishment was no punishment at all. Up until Bonds threatened Aaron's record MLB more-or-less said "PEDs? What PEDs? It's all good, just stuff you get at GNC."

But, you can believe the holier than thou crowd (not yourself) are quick to judge and boy do they hold grudges.

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I've always felt a little bad for Raffy. We have no way of really knowing the truth of what he did, but even at worse he did things that hundreds or thousands of others got away with. I know I got a ton of enjoyment out of his Orioles career.

Good post, and I agree, loved and respected the guy when he was playing and always felt compassion for him, hoping he wasn't the slam dunk guilty guy likes Bonds and some others were.

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I heard someone say (it may have been a congressman at the hearing) something like "Anyone injecting anything anywhere near sports is a huge red flag."

I think this is what makes his argument hard to swallow. Who injects a 'vitamin' given to you by Miquel Tejada? He isn't a doctor, who knows what's in that vial.

Its all perception at this point. Timing of this positive test was terrible for him. But you can only plead ignorance on something for so long.

At some point its gotta be: "I didn't mean to take steroids but it was stupid of me to inject B-12 at all let alone B-12 not from my doctor so this is all my fault. Sorry I screwed up."

Good to hear is at least doing some stuff again. Especially with his kids being successful.

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I don't get the fall. He was 40 how much longer did he think his career would last? So he's is bankrupt like Curt Schilling? I guess 90 million doesn't go as far as it used to.

I guess the steroids aren't what make me dislike Rafael. It is him going back to the Rangers because they didn't have income tax in Texas. Lot of good it did him.

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The giveaway in the article is his quote, "If I would have cheated this game, the way some of these guys cheated, I would have hit 700 home runs." So his sympathy case is that he didn't cheat as much as the other guys. Well, he still cheated, and even if true that others cheated more, that does not excuse it. He got to make millions playing a child's game, cheated, then wants us to feel sorry for him that he is not getting in the Hall? Get over it and be glad you are not in jail.

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I don't get the fall. He was 40 how much longer did he think his career would last? So he's is bankrupt like Curt Schilling? I guess 90 million doesn't go as far as it used to.

I guess the steroids aren't what make me dislike Rafael. It is him going back to the Rangers because they didn't have income tax in Texas. Lot of good it did him.

Did you see that he invested 53 million of his own money into a failed real estate venture?

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